My sweet boy had his three year check up this week. Healthy as can be. The doctor said how happy he was to see such healthy kids like mine. He had seen some rough cases that morning. Hudson has never even had to take an antibiotic yet which is rare he said. So thankful for healthy happy kids!
The check up couldn't have been complete without a little embarrassment though!
Hudson told Dr Cheshire we made cookies for the dentist but none for the dr sorry! Ha
As he was getting his blood pressure taken for the first time ever he asked the nurse if she was trying to squeeze his muscles off! And the crown jewel of the the doctor is checking him out down below Hudson exclaimed be careful my weenie is full!!! Ugh I just said Hudson do you need to potty and of course he replys yup it's too full and I need to poot hard!
Yup he's ALL BOY!!!!