Friday, August 30, 2013

Opening my eyes

I'm stubborn. Plain and simple. I like to have my way. I like to be in control. And I generally don't understand why people wouldn't do things the way I do because it's the right way! Ugh I'm a mess..I'm working on it;) 

With that being said when Brandon and I got married I made him go to a Baptist Church with me. He was raised Assembly of God. So this was very different for him. He went anyways. We went to two great Churches but we just knew it wasn't home. But had no clue where home was? I wanted what I knew. Sunday school followed by main service in church pews with everyone in their Sunday best. 

We tried a new church. No Sunday school. Home groups only. A contemporary service. You can drink and eat during service. And come dressed in shorts & flip flops or a suit & tie. It was a far cry from what I "knew". But turns out its everything I never knew I wanted from a church. So thankful that for once I let go of my stubbornness and tried something new. It's amazing what the change has done for my family. So much growth in such a short amount of time. 
Hearing this little boy come out of nursery not just saying his memory verse but explaining it to me melts my heart!!!!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sibling love.

All my fears about Hudson being jealous or feeling left out were completely pointless! This kid LOVES his baby sissy!
She was in the process of making a dirty diaper in this picture. Hudson told her eww sissy that's so nasty to poo poo your pants! Ha does he not remember he did that not too long ago?!
Here he was telling her all about his trains. He even gave her permission to play with a select few. But told her to not touch James because it was his and that wouldn't be nice!
He loves to watch the sissy show:)
Thankful these two littles love each other so!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Big day here!!:)

Little miss just had all kinds of fun today!

It started out with bubba snuggles of course!;)
Her first time to wear a bib! (Yes I document everything)
Ready for her first bite of food. I let Hudson pick. He chose peas.
She was not sure what to think about them!?! Many many facial expressions were made during her first meal.
We also played dress up in sisters old clothes.
Kinley at 2 weeks old.
Then Analyn at 4 1/2 months old. I've been waiting on her to grow into it so I could take her picture in it. (That's the difference in a 9lb baby & a 6lb baby!)
Cracks me up!!! Pretty sure fashion has changed a tad over the past 13 years!! I told Kinley I would save it for her girl. She was thrilled! Ha

Analyn def looks a lot like Hudson but I do see some resemblance in my girls:)
At last but not least my big girl sat up all by herself!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

That baby voice.

I told Brandon yesterday that I will be so sad the day Hudson loses his sweet baby voice. He just has the cutest voice I've ever heard! And boy he says the funniest things in that sweet voice:) some I will never forget!
I was in the target bathroom the other day & Hudson said "momma are you putting nasty in the potty?" Me: No son I'm just going pee pee. H: Oh well you should push all dat nasty out of your bobo bc it stinks & belongs in the potty. I walk out of the stall to three moms who all said he's two right?! Ha guess all moms have been embarrassed in a public restroom at some point.
The other night we had planned on going out to dinner so I didn't cook. Well I guess Hudson noticed I wasn't doing my normal afternoon routine bc he said "momma you make daddy dinner or he spank your bobo!" 
He dribbled a bit of pee in his underwear and I said Hudson did you pee pee your pants?! He said "no momma Thomas just cried a little" so now any time he needs to go to the bathroom he says I better hurry momma so Thomas doesn't cry in my dun-der-wear.
He told a lady in SAMs today "your baby is crying loud he needs a bottle now!" The mom laughed and said I agree! 
At lunch he said momma my dinosaurs think my sandwich is delicious but they want strawberries and juice to. He also says baby sissy wants me to play trains all day:)

He's just growing so fast. I've got to do better about jotting down these memories:)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Last week of summer

Our last week of summer is coming to an end:( it always seems to go so fast. 
Kinley starts 9th grade Monday.
And Mr Hudson will be at MDO one day a week starting next week.
So me & this sweet girl will get some one on one time while everyone is at school:)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Well it's official my little brother is being deployed:( He will be in southern Afghanistan for 14 months. He leaves this Saturday to prepare for deployment then leaves Mississippi in early October. So we may have a chance to see him one day in October before he leaves. I'm so sad for him. I can't imagine not seeing my family for 14 months!! Especially my kids and husband. 
We had him a see ya after Afghanistan party this weekend. A lot of friends & family came out to support him & to say thanks for serving our country.
Me my sister brother mom & his new wife Kendra.
Proud of you little brother and can't wait for you to be back home!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Stepping out

Last summer I did a Bible study called "So long insecurities" by Beth Moore. {loved it} While going thru the study I realized I don't have a ton of personal insecurity. I'm a very love it or leave it kind of girl. But I do have spiritual insecurities. I am much more of a helper than a doer.  I just always think there are so many people who are better equipped than me. I have never been on a mission trip (aside from ones when I was in youth that were state side) I admire all my friends who have done this! So when they have went I have done various things to "help" I've watched their pets. Taken their kids to school. Babysat. Made meals for their families if the wife was gone. Watered their lawns. Because in my mind I just need to help because I could never actually do it! 

Well I decided I was going to work on this better and going to be more of a doer and be open to what God calls me to do. Three weeks into the study I get a call asking me to serve on our MOPS committee. I immediately said yes. Then I thought Oh. My. Word. I'm going to have to talk in front of 30-50 women!!! I get nervous as a cat every single time I get up there! My palms sweat. I talk super fast. I may even shake a little?! But I love it! It's nothing major I teach crafts to a bunch of fun moms but it is out of my comfort zone and its exactly what I am called to do right now. I have a passion for women's ministry right now especially young moms and MOPS is just the best place for that! So excited as our new year of MOPS begin and happy to be serving even though I'm still just as nervous as the day I began! 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Family time

This month has been full of family time and I love it!
Donut date with my little loves.
Feeding the ducks with pawpaw.
iPad games with brother.
We all enjoyed some park time after dinner & a nice rain shower that cooled the blazing temps a bit.
And just some after nap lovin from big brother:)

School time already?!?

We have spent this week getting Kinley ready for school. 9th grade!!! This will be her last first day of junior high!!! Oh how that makes me sad!
Hudson insisted on carrying her "pack pack" for her. 
First day of school outfit. It's a good thing my girls are 13 years apart because they are expensive!
We had to hit up Chicfila for lunch during our shopping trip. Wild thing had to play for a bit.
All three of my babies! One day I will have a picture of all them looking the same direction & smiling:))

Monday, August 5, 2013

I suffer from...

I suffer from MEGA MOMMA GUILT!!!

I run a very organized home. I keep a pretty clean house. Well as clean as it gets with the toy spreading machine that is Hudson. I have dinner made and waiting every night when Brandon gets home. I do all I can to play with & teach my kids while I am at home with them. I am meant to be a stay at home mom. I have no doubt this is where God wants me for this season of my life.

However since becoming a stay at home mom I feel like I have put my self on the back burner. And not just a little a lot. But I just have this huge guilt when I leave the kids!! I feel guilty asking Brandon to watch them after he has worked all day. I feel guilty getting a sitter. I feel guilty asking my mom because she will say yes no matter what. So while I balance all the demands and duties of my new role I sure haven't learned how to balance "me time" even date nights are hard. Once I'm gone I'm fine but it's the hours leading up to leaving that I start thinking "oh I really don't need to go" when in reality I NEED to go!! And a few hours kid free can make you so much of a better momma! So I've decided to just really make an effort for more date nights and more girl time. Date nights always leave you feeling a little more lovey and a girls night are always full of laughter. 
So I kissed the kidos goodbye tonight & I went out with two of my oldest friends. We enjoyed a great meal and just laughed for hours! The Bible talks a lot about friendship & especially for women. We were meant to have fellowship with good friends!